Advisory Warning

There are sections on this website where racist language (including racist slurs and racist/ethnic abuse) is used/ quoted. Visitors may find certain words offensive but these are reflective of language used at the material time. Readers must therefore exercise caution in allowing children to view this website.

Thanks Ziggi

End the inequality

‘If the Beatles tell me that they learned everything they know from the blues singer Blind Willie Johnson, I want to know why Blind Willie is still running an elevator in Jackson, Mississippi. It’s that kind of inequality that is abusive, not the actual appropriation of culture because that’s normal.'

‘Si les Beatles me disent qu’ils ont appris tout ce qu’ils savent du chanteur de blues Blind Willie Johnson, j'aimerais savoir pourquoi Blind Willie travaille encore aujourd'hui comme liftier dans un ascenseur à Jackson, dans le Mississippi! C’est ce genre d’inégalité qui est abusif, pas l’appropriation même de la culture, car cela reste une chose normale.’


Amiri Baraka/ Leroi Jones, “On the predicament of appropriation”, 2007 (MP3)